发布时间:2016-04-21     信息分类:首页信息 -> 学术活动
Capacity estimation
讲座时间: 2016年4月22日09:30
讲座地点: 九里校区逸夫馆4308教室
主讲人: Prof. Ingo Hansen
题 目: Capacity estimation
1. Definitions
2. Factors impacting on practical capacity
3. Classification of capacity estimation methods
4. Macroscopic capacity estimation
5. Microscopic infrastructure and rolling stock model
6. Microscopic timetable model
7. Blocking time theory
8. Microscopic capacity estimation
9. Application of macroscopic and microscopic infrastructure models
       Prof.Hansen has been a Professor and the dean in Civil & Structural Engineering at TechnischeUniversiteit Delft from 2002 to 2012 and now he is ahonorary professor of Southwest Jiaotong University. He is also the chairman of International Association of Railway Operations Research (IAROR) in Europe. Prof.Hansen now focus on the research of the modeling and analysis of railway operation, train timetable scheduling, signaling and train control and forecast of station capacity and rail network capacity.