发布时间:2016-05-18     信息分类:首页信息 -> 学术活动
Traffic emissions, modeling and calibration
题目:Traffic emissions, modeling and calibration (交通排放、建模和校正)
Henk van zuylen教授是荷兰代尔夫特理工大学交通运输及规划系教授,东南大学、同济大学、湖南大学客座教授,曾担任中荷智能交通培训中心主任(北京)和荷兰TRAIL研究院院长。
Henk van Zuylen教授致力于交通运输及相关领域的研究30余载,并具有理论物理学、计算机科学和心理学的学术背景。承担了国际和荷兰国内三十余项重大课题,公开发表300多篇文章(含会议论文),其中SCI论文80余篇。研究领域主要包括:
l  ITS和动态交通控制领域
l  不可靠交通网络(异常交通条件)下驾驶行为的研究
l  交通网络鲁棒性(稳健性)分析
l  突发事件交通应对管理研究
l  城市路网旅行时间可靠性
l  中西方驾驶行为对比研究
l  交通排放建模、微观交通仿真软件校正
Traffic has an important role in the air quality. Measurement of air quality is becoming more common these days. Emissions of pollutants by cars are more difficult to measure directly. Simulations are used to evaluate traffic emissions. Basically this evaluation consists of two steps:
-   Simulation of vehicle trajectories
-   Estimation of emissions from the speed and acceleration profiles.
The simulation of trajectories is done by microscopic simulation programs like VISSIM, Paramics, Aimsun, Corsim, MITSIM etc. However, these programs are often calibrated to produce valid travel times and queues, the trajectories are often not sufficiently valid for the estimation of emissions.
The car following model in the micro simulation program is the core of the calculation of trajectories. Several kinds of car following models are used by the different simulation programs. In this lecture the calibration of the Wiedemann model (used in VISSIM) and the Stimulus Reaction model as used in MITSIM is presented.